ESL Skill

This week assignments was defining an ESL skill that we would teach.I choose reading and speaking.This skills are very essential in the process of teaching.Both skills can be used by incoporating various tools of technology.Technology is very important in teaching process.So,I want to show you top 10 reasons to use technology in teaching.Please click the link below:


  1. Hello Sheila
    Nowadays Technology is becoming an integral part of our lives and we as future teachers should use it.The 21-st century skills require capable and innovative minds for our future generation who will have technological devices everywhere. Furthermore it was an interesting video and very helpful
    All the best :

  2. Hi Sheila !
    I totally agree with you that reading and speaking are very important skills the same as writting and listening.I also found the video very interesting !

  3. Each skill has its own importance, and the teacher should be professional enough to get his class involved in the process of learning a new skill or refining it. Multimedia plays a crucial part in this process.


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