
Showing posts from May, 2017

Refine project plans

Hello! This week we have to refine our project plans.As you already know,the topic that me and Sidorela have to present is about teaching vocabulary of main body parts.During the class,we are going to deal with a lot of activities including song video,flash cards and some other activities working in groups. Hope you will enjoy it.

step 3

Hello! This week we have to write about the influence of technology in teaching.It is important to emphasize that students are already interested and engaged in using technology.This creates many amazing opportunities for schools and teachers to benefit from integrating some forms of technology in the classroom and to make teaching and learning more effective.

ESL Skill

Hello! This week assignments was defining an ESL skill that we would teach.I choose reading and speaking.This skills are very essential in the process of teaching.Both skills can be used by incoporating various tools of technology.Technology is very important in teaching process.So,I want to show you top 10 reasons to use technology in teaching.Please click the link below:

My future class

Hello friends!                                                                                                                                             I want to share with you this interesting video about how to teach body parts to pupils of elementary school.Hope you enjoy it!


WebQuests are activities,using Internet resources,which encourage students to use higher thinking skills to solve a problem. Teachers around the world are making WebQuests for their own classes as well as to share.Students of all ages and grades can use WebQuests.Students are provided with online resources and are asked to use this information to solve the presented problem rather than just copying and pasting material into an assignment.WebQuests direct students to not only search for information but to debate, discuss or defend a particular attitude with classmates.The most important thing is that WebQuests increase student motivation. When students are motivated, they are likely to put in more effort, and they are ready to make connections with others.I can say that  introduction of WebQuest in class makes learning more enjoyable with students, it also enables them to learn more effectively as well.